September 9, 2010

The glorious arrival of Autumn

is mellowing my emotions.

The cool, dry breeze made it's arrival in Walnut Hills today. It is purging me of nightmares of new apartments infested with bedbugs and going jobless for too long. I would take a nap in the grass if the chiggers wouldn't get me.

It has been so dry this last month that the leaves seem to be turning prematurely.
Maybe I'm turning a little early, too. My BVS term is over in a little under five weeks but I feel ready. Even though I don't have a job lined up or an apartment rented... or anything to put in an apartment... or money to buy that stuff with...whatever is waiting down the road feels more right than staying where I am.
BVS has offered me all kinds of experiences; most I never would have considered. The beginning of this new road is one I had no vision of last summer, and yet, it does feel like the right place to be.

My pieces are not falling together like Ben's, and it's a little disheartening.
But there's an element here that's very akin to what I feel when I pull into my parent's drive way after a long time away. This change feels like coming home.

I'll take the comfort while I can.
Goodness knows, I won't feel the same tomorrow.



1 comment:

  1. peace to you, dear sister.
    as the sun sets on the summer and this season of your life may it rise in new and exciting places, people, jobs, and experiences.
    and as these winds of change blow, may they blow you right "home."
    i'm so glad you'll be close.
