March 12, 2011

Just Kidding

Well, Thorsten thought there would be three new posts last week. Jonny and Thorsten left last night to go to Chicago and based on the pictures on FB I know they made it okay. :)

In our house meeting last Sunday we discussed changing our blogging technique to once a month and writing on the white board on our fridge when we each have completed our entry. I hope this will work better. It has been challenging to keep up with the suggested rotation.

Last week I had the opportunity to go to the Volunteers Exploring Vocation conference sponsored by the Fund for Theological Education. It was absolutely amazing! I was blessed repeatedly during the conference.

I learned more about community living. I was able to connect with others who love Jesus! The highlight was probably hearing Becca Steven speak about love, Thistle Farms, and Magdalene.

I do not know exactly what God has planned for me by the end of the year, but I know I want to continue in His will. His timing is perfect. My responsibility is to listen.

Now I need to go finish preparing for retreat next week! Talk to you all in April.