August 4, 2010

Like split pea soup.

After nearly a week, the fog of procrastination is beginning to dissipate.
That's why you're reading this now instead of last Tuesday.

I'm a serious procrastinator. It can appear in the morning in the form of sleeping hours past my good-faith alarm (HA!-- a perk of working from home) or in the evening when I "lose" my work folder under the bed or a pile of clothes.
The procrastination fog was so dense and soupy this time that I inevitably wasted time by looking up the definition of "waste time".
Did you know that time is only being watsted if you've finished all feasible responsibilities? If this is true, I didn't waste a second for the last week!

Sometimes it's obvious why I get stuck in the procrastination mud(scary term paper, really unappealing weather, fear of failure, etc.), but other times I can't see the fog for the fog.

Post-Cincinnati plans have been bearing down pretty hard on everyone in the house lately. We talk about it in a nonchalant way saying, "My aunt asked me what I'm doing after this is over... again...(sigh)..." or
"My friend from college is starting med school in two weeks. I wonder if she needs a roommate?" or
"Did Obama legalize visiting Cuba, yet?"

I can't speak for the other three living here, but I was feeling completely overwhelmed by trying to get all my ducks to line up in a row last week.

I had to let them flounder for a while and float myself back out into a fog of nothing. Ignoring their quacks of urgency, I stared into the misty valleys of social networking sites and the shrouded glens of alternative news. I surfaced for an hour or so to make a not-so-impressive dinner for Ben, Katie and Anne and then sunk into my bed.

It's over now.
I'm back to paying attention to work, friends, family and job searching.
The panic is gone.
This isn't very thought provoking stuff, but it has a little merit. Try it if you have the time; especially if you don't.
Sometimes you need to sit in the fog to gain clarity.



  1. umm...quoting you...NOW!

    ps - I networked for you this week! I'll tell you about it next time we speak!

  2. you're lovely.


