February 23, 2010

Hither and yon

We have a new case manager at work. This means that I am no longer the newest member of the staff. Part of her training and orientation involves shadowing other people at work to see what they do and get a better understanding of how things operate. At some point in the next week or two she’ll be shadowing me to see how intakes are done for new families at the shelter. It seems weird to think that I’ve now been here long enough to be the intake guru, thus making me knowledgeable enough to have somebody gleaning information from my routine activities. It’s also the end of February already. I’m not sure what happened to the beginning of the month, though I’m fairly certain that snow was involved.

Speaking of snow, it’s almost gone. This is generally a good thing. As a regular pedestrian I will be glad to not need to worry about getting sprayed by slush when vehicles zip by while I’m ten feet away on the snowy, slushy sidewalk. I am just about done with having cold, wet toes, thank you very much. Apparently this is more snow that what is normal for Cincinnati. When I was a BVSer in Colorado they had a colder and snowier winter, too. I’m half tempted to do another year of BVS in Central America to see if the snow follows me there, too.

We have our mid-year retreat coming up soon. I am looking forward to this a whole bunch. I won’t know most of the volunteers attending, but I will know a few. There are a handful of Unit #277 folks that are stateside and still going strong. Mostly it’ll be a nice change of pace in a non-snow-induced sort of way. I hope I don’t end up in a room full of snorers.

We got to go to Jungle Jim's (www.junglejims.com)this past Saturday. Bethinary Bekah picked us up and ferried us there and back. It was quite the experience. It's huge and has produce and products from hither and yon for some decent prices. I think we all agreed it was a total sensory overload. I think Laura enjoyed it the most, especially since she was ready for another two hours of shopping after we checked out. Thanks to Bethinary and Bekah for treating us to such a cool experience!

Yup, that's about it for now.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...a new nickname. I'll have to get used to that one.
