April 22, 2012

Writing & Song

There are two things that have never failed me as I was growing up and continue on my life journey. Those two things are writing and listening to music.
When I see a blank sheet of paper and a pen or in this case a blank computer screen and a keyboard I get this sense of freedom where the paper and pen is my key to no longer of feeling trapped. I can write anything down and no matter what it maybe good or bad I wouldn’t get judged for it. Somedays I can go for an hour or two and write nonstop. It always amazes me how many things may have bothered me in the past week or how an event at worked changed how I thought on a subject. 
Music is my second if not my first go to when I a having a really off day. In the last month I have been picking a song for the week and I will listen to this particular song when I just get overwhelmed or doubting myself or homesick and nine times out of ten it would bring me back to more of a calming mind compared to before the song started. For this week I picked a song called You Know Where To Find Me by Matthew West. Take a listen with the video below. Until the next go round. Enjoy.

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