May 20, 2010

She's always buzzin' just like--

After stumbling out of bed last night at 3:30 AM, I pulled an unidentified bottle out of the cupboard and took two of whatever was in there. Pain is pain, right?


Turns out they were Excedrin Migraine. Great when you have a migrane and it's daylight hours. Not so great when you don't have a migraine and the caffeine buzz won't let you sleep until 10 AM when you really should be out of bed writing Sunday School Curriculum for 5-8 year olds.

That is to say, I feel like I'm standing under this sign:

Last Wednesday I tried to add 17 words to my resume and it ended up taking 3 days. Is that not thinking clearly, or sabotage? I'm not the yelling kind, but I did end up calling Bill Gates all kinds of things he doesn't deserve. I figured it out eventually, but really could have used someone to say:

Someone should suggest Word Perfect be put on the Weapons of Mass Destruction list. I've come close to hysteria twice in the last week. That's gotta have something to do with depleted uranium. No more, man.

Maybe I'll post something relevant about BVS life/work/stuff after the evil has left my system.



  1. Neon! Neon!
    love that song!

  2. who knows how long she can go before she burns away...
    know that song too well.
    I worked in Career Services for one year. If you need resume advice - I'll be there on Thursday!
