May 26, 2010

We Are Who We Are

The craziness of summer has begun with peace murals to paint, kids club programs to plan and run, and gardens to tend. Oh yeah, and that ever present job of looking for future employment after BVS is over!

As I'm doing all this stuff and working with my housemates to keep our place functioning, I'm constantly reminded of how different each one of us is from one another. How we grew up, the experiences we have had, our communication styles, you name it, effect who we are at this moment. That means that as much as we have gotten to know one another over the last 8 months, there are still debates over everything from the temperature of the AC to the definition of what "clean" really is. Our differences can lead to these somewhat frustrating exchanges, but they also make for wonderful discussions about things like the idea of expectations.

Our world would certainly be easier if we got to control everything and had similar thoughts, but then there would be no excitement, no drama. I'm not ready to live in that world, are you? Now if I could just remember to use this wonderful wisdom I am sharing that would be great! Maybe the long Memorial Day weekend vacation in PA with my family and good friends enjoying the beauty of Hegins, PA will help.

Speaking of differences, for your enjoyment here is a sample of the reading material we have been indulging in lately!!!

Blessings and have a happy start to summer,


May 20, 2010

She's always buzzin' just like--

After stumbling out of bed last night at 3:30 AM, I pulled an unidentified bottle out of the cupboard and took two of whatever was in there. Pain is pain, right?


Turns out they were Excedrin Migraine. Great when you have a migrane and it's daylight hours. Not so great when you don't have a migraine and the caffeine buzz won't let you sleep until 10 AM when you really should be out of bed writing Sunday School Curriculum for 5-8 year olds.

That is to say, I feel like I'm standing under this sign:

Last Wednesday I tried to add 17 words to my resume and it ended up taking 3 days. Is that not thinking clearly, or sabotage? I'm not the yelling kind, but I did end up calling Bill Gates all kinds of things he doesn't deserve. I figured it out eventually, but really could have used someone to say:

Someone should suggest Word Perfect be put on the Weapons of Mass Destruction list. I've come close to hysteria twice in the last week. That's gotta have something to do with depleted uranium. No more, man.

Maybe I'll post something relevant about BVS life/work/stuff after the evil has left my system.


May 11, 2010

And next up is...!

Somebody in our house may have had a birthday today (okay, well, technically it was yesterday now). This proclamation appeared on the fridge today while I was at work. Idle hands are what? Super fun? Yeah, that's what I thought, too.

Just as a certain housemate experienced an age change, the house collectively seems to be brimming with change. As Laura delves deeper into the inner workings of a children's garden her schedule changes. Katie's job description has been changing as she begins working with GED tutoring and classes. Anne's appearance has been changing as her hair gets longer and ends up in a ponytail more often.

One of the biggest changes that has come to light recently is the change of vision. True, we are still very much involved with our current jobs and schedules, but more and more, we are looking forward to what is to come. Words and phrases previously unheard of at our Fulton Avenue abode are now commonplace, such as "cover letter," "resume," and "chronological bulleting." That little dot on the horizon called "October" isn't huge right now, but the speck is growing each day as we sneak past the seven month anniversary of our arrival and sprawl into summer.

With that being said, I sometimes feel a bit of a disconnect from the house. My future plans are still hazy at best. While I know better than to say "never," I don't currently have any expectations of staying here in Cincy. Laura and Anne are seriously considering calling this area "home" for a while. Even Katie hasn't completely counted out the possibility of sticking around for a bit longer to explore her options here. It gives me the feeling of being the odd man out, and it's not just because I'm the only one with a Y chromosome.

On the other hand, it's exciting to see the three people which whom I've lived for over half a year continue on with their life journeys. Even better yet is knowing that wherever they end up after October, it'll be somewhere completely different than where they would have envisioned themselves this time last year. Who knew Cincinnati could be, you know... nice? Once upon a time, not too long ago, the four of us wouldn't have believed it.

These changes - I think they are good.